25 January 2011

Catching Up 1

A little more than one month ago, when we thought that my pre-Christmas surgery would go ahead as planned, we had a pre-holiday celebration with Big T and Prince Tyger.  Sweet Momma H stayed at home with Baby Prince Attani because the littlest prince is still susceptible to cold and other hazards of the season.  Never fear, Sweet Momma H and Prince Tyger did get to celebrate on the Big Day with her family, while Big T and the littlest one stayed at home.

Do you detect a pattern here?  Prince Tyger gets to go everywhere, while Prince Attani remains a shut-in.  Still, Prince Attani doesn't seem overly upset about not getting out and about.  Not yet.  He finds the whole idea rather tiresome.

In the meantime, Prince Tyger had a great time having turkey with trimmings and opening some gifts early.

But what Prince Tyger most wanted to do was to get out and about.  So, after he had been such a good boy, that's what he and Grandmom did.

We had a bit of snow on the ground.  Prince Tyger first experimented with a rake.  Ultimately, he decided that there must be a better way to remove snow.

Still, what he really wanted to do was to go to the playground nearby.  He jumped right into the sandbox, which he remembered well from last summer.  But he was disappointed when Grandmom wouldn't remove his shoes, as she had last summer.  Ah well - he was willing to be persuaded when she explained that his little feet would freeze because it is now winter.

So he moved quite happily on to another of his favorites - the big blue bouncy car.

What is it with males - of whatever size or age - and automobiles?

Blissful moments, indeed!

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