24 October 2011

Prince Lightning

It has been almost a year since Baby Prince Attani entered our lives - and what a little wonder he has proven to be!  With Big Bro Prince Tyger as a role model, our "baby" has grown by leaps and bounds and loves to try to imitate everything that Big Bro does.  While I was visiting in the US, he took his first couple steps at 91/2 months.  He also loved to spend a lot of time on his little haunches,

especially if the activity involved playing ball.

While I was there, he never moved beyond those first tottery couple steps - after which he would simply plop himself down on his well-padded little bottom and then continue crawling.  And oh, could he move!  He was a first-class crawler

and would be across the room in the blink of an eye, especially if it involved getting to one of Big Bro's treasured toys. 

If we put him into his little walker - which he would only tolerate for 5-10 minute periods of time, finding it generally too restrictive of his movements - he would literally streak from one end of the room to another.  Trying to catch a photograph of him resulted in several photos that were merely blurs.  But, oh, what fun he was having!

I believe that it's time to have a proper re-christening.  After all, our special baby is more than a "second" prince ("Prince Attani").  He is now a prince with his own identity.  In consideration of his growth and moving abilities over the past year, he has now become "Prince Lightning."

As such, he will surely be able to hold his own with Prince Tyger.

Princes Tyger and Lightning - they are both streaks of light in my universe!  

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