08 April 2012

Happy Easter!

Brightly-hued tulips and other spring flowers are showing up in the local planters, such as this one along the Lake Road. Another sign of spring is that the little buvette (snackbar) down by the boat landing dock has now officially opened, seven days out of seven, from 9 am to 7 pm.
Last weekend, decorations began in earnest for at least two of the local fountains. Here is the one by the boat landing that features a bunny with a family of chicks.
and here is a close up of the little tableau.
Decorating the fountains is an Easter tradition in the canton of Vaud. This year, however, the bunny theme is replicated in store fronts as well. Woops, I see that my legs are reflected in the glass. Yikes!
The main fountain is located right in front of one of the local pastry-chocolate shops. Pastry and chocolate forme a wonderful combination, IMO. Once again, there are bunnies, although these are brightly colored and "protected" by a net.
This is the first year that I have noticed a net being used. At first, I was a bit stumped as to why. Here is a view of the fountain from one of the sides, this one featuring sheep. Notice the large goose perched on top.
Here is a view giving the overall effect.
Aha, now the reason for the net is clear. How else could butterflies flutter about the scene?

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