17 February 2012

Stalling Tactics

Prince Tyger loves to play outside.  Going for a walk with Sweet Momma H or Proud Papa Big T - even if baby Prince Lightning also has to tag along - and being outside where he can run around or ride his scooter bike are some of his favorite pastimes.  Playing on a playground jungle gym is another.
Because it's winter, Prince Tyger is pretty well covered up.  Because he rode his scooter to the playground, he's also still wearing his helmet.  You can hardly see his little face.
The jungle gym is exactly the right place for this little monkey
who loves to climb, and has climbed everything in sight ever since he was tiny.
Once he makes it to the top, he's pretty proud of himself.
As well he should be!
But then the real difficulty begins.  Not the climbing down - he can do that just fine.  But he's not excited about having to go home and back inside afterwards to take a nap.  So The Tyger takes his sweet time climbing down to reclaim his scooter bike.
He's in no hurry to return.

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