22 November 2012

Being Thankful, Part 1

Today in the US, my family members are celebrating Thanksgiving Day, aka "Turkey" Day because the most traditional menu includes roast turkey.  Complete with trimmings including stuffing (dressing), mashed potatoes and gravy, yams (sweet potatoes), various green vegetables, either in casseroles or simply steamed with butter and seasonings, molded and green salads, various condiment dishes including pickles, raw carrots, celery and radishes and some form of cranberry sauce (either molded in can form or, as I prefer, freshly cooked and cooled with a bit of bourbon added, the turkey makes for a substantial meal.  When desserts including the traditional pumpkin, mince and pecan pies are added to the mix, a meal for one person can generally account for enough calories to feed a third-world family of four for a month.

OK, I exaggerate.  Sadly, not by enough.  Even in my own country today, there are many - far too many - who will not be having a meal anything like the one that my family members will enjoy.  All we can do is to keep trying to change these circumstances.  For everyone, everywhere.  But it won't happen overnight and it won't be easy.

In the meantime, there are many things for which I personally am very thankful.  First of all, I am most thankful for my wonderful HWMBO, who has put up with me for 31+ years, most likely because he hasn't had to live with me full-time for that long!  I am very thankful that he got to realize a dream and travel to China.  I am less thankful that I wasn't able to accompany him.
And yes, I will get around to posting some more photos of his adventures in China.  I've just fallen very much behind this month.

Today he is hosting part of the family - the ones living closest to him in Maryland - but he won't be cooking even though he is an excellent cook.  He has ordered everything from our local Wegeman's market.  All he will have to do will be to reheat the food and serve.  It will be interesting to see how this works out.

Among his guests will be Proud Dad J and Sweet Momma D with Princes D & J - here shown at their 2011 celebration in Ocean City, MD -
and Proud Dad B, accompanied by the Double Cs.  Sweet Momma T will spend the day with her family.
Our daughter, Sweet Momma K, who is a nurse, will be on duty today so she will celebrate her Thanksgiving at a more convenient time.  But she has much to celebrate this year.  She became a grandmother last summer when our Princess A gave birth to a daughter.  And here she is, Sweet Princess N, in all her glory - the newest member of the dynasty.
This event made me a great-grandmother.  For this, I should be thankful??!!  All things considered, yes indeedy!    

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