07 February 2010

Women in Politics and the US "MSM"

While surfing through the US "mainstream media" (MSM) this Sunday morning, one could be forgiven for believing that there is no news in the world other than the unprecedented winter storm in the Washington, DC metropolitan area (the first time, for example, that the US Postal Service has been cancelled in three decades) and the "revolutionary" Tea Party "convention" (with no meaningful discussion of how "delegates" were selected).  Oh, and there is definitely pre-game coverage of Sunday's Super Bowl.  But that last is to be expected at this time of year.  And the first is at least worthy of mention, given the scale.

Leading the US headlines, however, there is seemingly endless repetition of the "speech" given by Sarah Palin before the tea partiers.  The so-called convention and so-called speech (which the MSM generally describe as "folksy" but others -- who might anticipate a modicum of coherence in something that one states before a paying audience -- call "word salad") have both received disproportionate attention.  Continuing the deplorable MSM trend, even the New York Times has incorrectly inflated the so-called TP "movement" figures, according to Media Matters.  Given the general level of critical thinking and positive or pragmatic solutions articulated by the preponderance of those present at the convention, however, this wall-to-wall MSM coverage may, albeit unintentionally, prove to be a spur to fund-raising efforts by the Democratic National Committee (DNC).  One is reminded of how Democratic contributions to the Obama-Biden campaign, already at record levels, rose exponentially immediately after Senator McCain announced the not-quite-one-term-ex-governor of Alaska as his running mate in the 2008 Presidential election.

For a lively recap of events at the convention and Ms. Palin's "speech," I heartily recommend "Tea Time with Sarah" at The Mudflats.  The post and the comments provide all one needs to know.  They can also save time, anguish and gnashing of teeth generally.  Neither the "movement" nor Ms. Palin has the widespread support among US citizens that the MSM would have one believe.  Even such sources as the New York Times merely repeat what the movement says about itself, as per recent scrutiny by Media Matters.  Fact-checking?  Phooey ... a remnant of the long-ago past!

Contrast the attention given to this speech and responses to scripted questions before a sympathetic audience by the patently English-challenged Palin with the practically non-existent US MSM coverage of the testimony and responses given by Kristalina Georgieva, the EU Commissioner-designate for International Co-operation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response at a hearing before the European Parliament in Brussels last week.  Keep in mind that Ms. Georgieva, a national of Bulgaria, is a non-native speaker of English.  As an alternate candidate with a very short preparation period, she literally "dazzled" Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) across party lines even though she was subjected to some difficult questions.

The US has plenty of women in politics who are able to "dazzle," although most would not be able to do so in a language that is not English.  The US also has excellent women candidates and office-holders, even across party lines.  Sarah Palin is not one of them.   

But if the US MSM are to be believed, there is a massive "revolution" going on and it's all being led by the woman who first -- and incorrectly -- stated through a ghost writer that health care reform would lead to "death panels."  Sorry, Sarah, the "death panels" have been a fixture of the US landscape for a long time.  They are also known as health insurance companies.  When they deny coverage for "pre-existing" conditions, that can literally mean a sentence of death.  So while the media spotlight is disproportionately fixated on Ms. Palin, let us remember that the US MSM have all too often in recent years let us all down.  They have not, repeat not, lived up to their responsibility to inform.  That is a damning indictment.

In the meantime, the truly qualified women all over the world simply keep their noses to the grindstone doing what needs to be done, dazzling when and where necessary, even -- and sometimes especially -- when the dazzling moments are overlooked.

And thank heavens for that!

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