15 February 2010

The Year and a Half (almost) of Prince Tyger

In addition to being Valentine's Day yesterday, 14 February 2010 launched the Chinese New Year.  According to Wikipedia, the Chinese calendar traditionally does not use "continuously numbered" years.  Outside China, however, the years are usually counted from the reign of Huang-di, the "Yellow Emperor," a legendary sovereign and folk hero who is considered to be the ancestor of all Han Chinese.   Also according to Wiki, there are at least three different years considered to be the first year by different scholars, so "2010" in the Western calendar could be considered variously as 4708, 4707 or 4647 in Chinese years.  Each year is named in rotation for one of the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac (rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and boar).   2010 is the "Year of the Tiger."
In an earlier blog post, I wrote about my own Prince Tyger.  Based on his actual birth year of 2008, he is not actually a "Tiger."   But somehow, "Prince Rat" doesn't have quite the same ring as "Prince Tyger."  And I don't call him "Prince Tyger" because of his birth year, but rather because of the power in the symbol.   He is still quite little.  But I realize that he too is growing up fast.  So, for today, here are some memories of the first year and a half -- almost -- of our wonderful little Prince Tyger.

Here is one of our first glimpses of the Little Guy -- with his shock of black hair and dead to the world.

Here, he sizes up HWMBO and doesn't seem too sure what to think about this world of BIG people.

Learning to roll around is such fun!  Now if I could just get this whole hand in my mouth!

Oh boy, oh boy ... there's so MUCH to do and learn!  WHERE should I begin?

Here I am with Mom (Momma H) and Dad (Big T).  I'm just too cool for words with my blue-rimmed sunglasses.

Now that I can sit up by myself and play, I can try to see what makes things work.

And it's so much fun to make noise!  Lots and LOTS of noise so that my cousins will pay attention to me.


Hey, look at me!  Standing is even MORE fun than sitting is.  And now I can even walk because Horsey is helping me.

 Now with my new car, I can even drive ... once I finish unwrapping all these interesting gifts.

Yes, the Year of the Tiger will be a very interesting one.  The wish "May you live in interesting times!" is a mixed blessing.  I wish a belated Happy New Year to all who celebrated it yesterday!   And I wish all the best of everything for my very special Prince Tyger! 

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