17 March 2011

Celebrating St. Paddy's

Today, 17 March is the one day when all good people of the world who wish so can be considered to be Irish whether they actually have Irish roots or not.  Yes, it is once again the festival of good St. Patrick.  Patrick, who is considered to be the most widely recognized patron saint of Ireland, wasn't even Irish himself, so why quibble about origins?  It's a good day to celebrate life, which does need some celebrating during these otherwise doleful days.
If you were in Geneva, you could celebrate at an Irish-style pub, such as Mulligan's or Charly O'Neill's.  There are many Irish expatriates who live in this area.

If you chose to eat at Mulligan's, you would find smoked salmon with brown bread followed by Irish stew on the menu.  It would set you back CHF 20.  You would not generally find corned beef and cabbage on an Irish pub menu here.  That appears to be more of a North American, specifically United States, tradition.  To go with your Irish meal, you should drink either Guinness or Kilkenny.  If you're pressed, any good beer will do.  But a traditional Irish beer is always the best!

Whatever you do, enjoy!

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