26 March 2011

Enjoying Alfresco Dining

One thing that is so enjoyable once the weather turns warm enough is to enjoy one of the many alfresco dining possibilities in this area.  Thus it was that six adults, accompanied by two small ones - one tiny! - met for luncheon on Thursday at the Domaine du Château de Penthes in Geneva.

It was an absolutely splendid day and I was delighted to see that tables, ours included, were set up to take advantage of the brilliant weather.

The Domaine du Château de Penthes is a wonderful sprawling area that dates from the 14th century.  The site comprises six buildings, including the Museum of Swiss Abroad (first photo above), the Geneva Military Museum (last photo below) and the Restaurant des Cent-Suisses where we had a very enjoyable lunch.

It was a great day to be out and about.  Tiny Princess C, just three weeks old, mostly slept or munched throughout our visit.  We hardly heard a peep out of her.  She looked very content.

We all selected the plat du jour, a delicious veal with vegetables, for CHF 19.50.  Some of us were unable to resist the additional temptation of a tarte au citron avec pignons.

After our very pleasant meal, I wandered about the premises with the two young mamas.  It was simply too nice outside not to.  Sweet Momma E braided a coronet of tiny spring daisies for her own Princess C

who was not excited about posing for the photographer.

We were happy that we could take advantage of this lovely site at such a beautiful moment.  In fact, such moments, at least in this spot, may be numbered.  The problem, as described more fully here, is that the Domaine du Château de Penthes occupies a prize location in Geneva, where good real estate is scarce, real estate values have soared and zoning laws are strict.   It is located between the Palais des Nations, the headquarters of the United Nations in Geneva, the US and Italian diplomatic missions to the UN and the city's Botanical Gardens.  The foundation that has been managing the site and museum for decades has a lease with the Geneva regional government that expires early in 2012. The problem is that the canton will not disclose its plans, although it favors developing the site as a retreat and conference area for the international organizations.  The foundation is unsure whether it should stay and invest, try to relocate or close down altogether.

Until the matter is sorted, those of us who are able will try to enjoy this lovely location for as long as we can.

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