11 August 2011

The Last Goodbye

Whew - it's been quite a whirl since the younger set arrived chez moi in June - with lots of comings, goings, happenings and, including HWMBO, a total of seven guests!  All came to an end last Sunday when I hauled the luggage and Lawyer Sis to the local train station.  The girls legged it (a mere ten-minute stroll), accompanied by Princess C's mom, because we couldn't fit both luggage and passengers into my trusty little Nissan.  They were there to catch the fast train (nine minutes versus 27) to Geneva and thence to Zurich for the first leg of their various odysseys (aka ordeals) to their final destination of Billings, MT. 

Once there, reunited with their luggage, and standing on the proper platform to catch the fast train, the quartet posed for some last photos.  But whups, Princess C's mom turned to look behind her just as this shot was taken.

So we tried again for a close-up that was more successful.  Not bad for a group that was hiking in the Alps on the previous day (more on that later).

Of course, the girls had to had insist on a final photo op with Auntie J (yours truly).  They really shouldn't have!

And here they were - still high-spirited at the beginning of the last phase of their Big Adventure - waving good-bye at the station.

I have since learned that the moms arrived home safely, although later than expected because they missed their connection at LAX - something about long lines at customs - or was it immigration?  The girls had to retrace the rather draconian route they followed to get to Switzerland.  But when last heard from yesterday,  they had arrived safely in Vancouver, BC, so were at least on the proper continent.

In the meantime, I have rejoined HWMBO in MD, having successfully survived my mock-up presentation last week so that I will be once again gainfully employed in September.  This time, my remuneration will be in Swiss francs - and not a moment too soon as the USD hit a record low of 73 cents against the CHF yesterday.  Where and when will the insanity end?

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