09 August 2010

Sin City Naiad

In Greek mythology, the Naiads or Naiades (Ναϊάδες from the Greek νάειν, "to flow," and νἃμα, "running water") were a type of nymph who presided over fountains, wells, springs, streams, and brooks.  After watching my precious Princess Butterfly, who is now practically as at home in the water as a little seal, I have decided that she must be inhabited - at least partially - by the spirit of a Naiad.
The day after my arrival, Princess Butterfly announced that she and Grandmom would go swimming.  So while Sweet Momma M busied herself with errands and the Butterfly's older siblings, Proud Grandmom was treated to a display of Princess Butterfly's progress.  Grandmom was amazed to see not only that the Princess no longer needs her life vest, but was confident enough to swim across the pool - all by herself.
And Princess Butterfly seemed to enjoy herself immensely.
It must be admitted that Proud Grandmom had some anxious moments but thankfully remained calm.  And very close at hand.  The water in the pool was deeper than the Princess is tall.  But she was fearless.
After our morning swim together, Princess Butterfly was delighted when her Papa stopped by for a swim later in the day.  She immediately hopped back into the pool.
In order to show her Papa how well she could swim, the Princess then proceeded to swim the length of the pool all by herself.  Both Papa and Proud Grandmom were amazed.  Grandmom's heart and breath literally stopped for a couple of seconds.  Princess Butterfly was just fine.  She even showed us that she knows how to float.
Our little Naiad wasn't ready to stop there.  "Get ready to catch me, Daddy!" she begged.
And so she got out of the pool to jump into the deep end.  My heart and breath stopped again!
As she popped up again, her Papa safely caught her.  She was sure that he would.
Oh, to have such confidence and trust!  Our Princess Butterfly is all ready to do it again.

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